Dal 1969 la voce del pensiero laico e liberale italiano e
della tradizione politica che difende e afferma le libertà, l'equità, i diritti, il conflitto.
"Critica liberale" segue il filo rosso che tiene assieme protagonisti come Giovanni Amendola e Benedetto Croce,
Gobetti e i fratelli Rosselli, Salvemini ed Ernesto Rossi, Einaudi e il "Mondo" di Pannunzio, gli "azionisti" e Bobbio.
volume XXIV, n.232 estate 2017
territorio senza governo - l'agenda urbana che non c'è
67. paolo bagnoli, la nostra preoccupazione
68. coordinamento democrazia costituzionale, appello alla mobilitazione per una legge elettorale conforme alla Costituzione
106. comitati unitari per il NO al “rosatellum”, l’imbroglio degli imbrogli
territorio senza governo
69. giovanni vetritto, l’italia del “non governo” locale
73. pierfranco pellizzetti, alla ricerca del civismo perduto
79. antonio calafati, le periferie delle metropoli italiane
84. paolo pileri, molta retorica, pochi fatti
86. giovanni vetritto, post-marxisti inutili
88. valerio pocar, primo comandamento: cementificare
89. riccardo mastrorillo, finanziare sì, ma come?
93. sarah lenderes-valenti, la risorsa più grande
94. luigi somma, le democrazie invisibili
97. claudio maretto, la discontinuità paga
castigat ridendo mores
100. elio rindone, basta con l’onestà!
l'osservatore laico
103. carla corsetti, il principio di laicità
107. gaetano salvemini, abolire il concordato
terrorismo e religione
109. pierfranco pellizzetti, jihad combattuta alla john wayne
114. alessandro cavalli,quattro cerchi
lo spaccio delle idee
117. gianmarco pondrano altavilla, cari liberisti, chi conosce un buon medium?
118. luca tedesco, savoia o borbone? lo storico è un apolide
«Passans, cette terre est libre» - Abbiamo scelto come logo la fotografia d'un autentico "Albero della Libertà" ancora vivente. È un olmo che fu piantato nel 1799 dai rivoluzionari della Repubblica Partenopea, Luigi Rossi e Gregorio Mattei, a Montepaone Superiore, paese dello Jonio catanzarese. La scritta 'passans ecc.' era qualche volta posta sotto gli "Alberi della Libertà" in Francia.
Mauro Barberis, Piero Bellini, Daniele Garrone, Sergio Lariccia, Pietro Rescigno, Gennaro Sasso, Carlo Augusto Viano, Gustavo Zagrebelsky.
* Hanno fatto parte del Comitato di Presidenza Onoraria: Norberto Bobbio (Presidente), Vittorio Foa, Alessandro Galante Garrone, Giancarlo Lunati, Italo Mereu, Federico Orlando, Claudio Pavone, Alessandro Pizzorusso, Stefano Rodotà, Paolo Sylos Labini. Ne ha fatto parte anche Alessandro Roncaglia, dal 9/2014 al 12/2016.
[21] This week, a defiant Erdogan claimed victory over the hundreds of thousands of Turkish people who raised their voices and took to the streets against injustice and corruption. Let's urgently answer to him with an unprecedented "Stand with Taksim" virtual march to show him that brute force will never silence democracy!
The government has gone too far -- 4 people are dead, more than 7,500 injured and thousands arrested -- even the UN Human Rights Commissioner has condemned the excessive use of force against the protesters. But Erdogan is determined to crush any dissent and even vowed to give a freer hand to the police! His iron fist has caused his public approval ratings to plummet and if enough of us join now, we can make him understand that while water cannons and tea r gas may help him seize squares, they will never drown out the people's voices.
We have to act fast. Let's deliver a deafening message to Erdogan and the AKP that we will not rest until the people are allowed to protest peacefully and those responsible for the crackdown are held accountable. Click below to build a huge virtual "Taksim Square" protest that sends shockwaves through social media and pledge to stand up for our democracy:
It seems this government will stop at nothing to silence the people. In recent days dozens of protesters were dragged away in raids and over the weekend riot police stormed Taksim Square, forcing thousands to flee. And now Erdogan has declared that the police have triumphed over people power, using force to ‘save’ Turkey's democracy!
Erdogan may think he can overpower the hundred s of thousands of people who’ve taken to the streets and dismiss the protests as nothing more than terrorist acts. But he can't hide the fact that this movement is bringing citizens together from all walks of life with legitimate concerns and demands -- ranging from the protection of essential public services and the environment to the defence of the most basic freedoms of speech and expression.
Now, at this key moment, we can show the government that their tactics to squash dissent have not defeated our spirit. Let’s build a massive online protest to make it clear that we will continue to protest peacefully until it engages in real dialogue and actually listens to our concerns. Sign now to join the virtual Taksim Square and share with everyone:
Erdogan called social media "the worst menace to society", but now he's seen the power we have when we organise together. Almost 150,000 of us have signed the petition demanding that Erdogan stop the crackdown. Now, let's show him just how powerful social media can be by joining together once again to show him that our people's protest is very much alive.
With hope and determination,
Luis, Allison, Patri, Rewan and the entire Avaaz team
More Information:
Turkey arrests dozens as crackdown on protests against Erdoğan continues (The Guardian)